Legend has it that in order to bring beauty and joy to the world, the Great Spirit took a black strand of maiden's curls, sunlight, the color of dew and the sky, mixing these colors with the wind blowing and the flight of birds, and so appeared butterfliesā€¦
explorer's notes:
The life cycle of butterflies consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Butterflies are insects with what is called a complete cycle of transformation, as the larva is completely different from the adult
From birth to
Caterpillars emerge from the eggs. They actively feed and grow. Gradually, the outer covers of the larva become too tight for it and must be changed. A molt takes place, which is preceded by a period of growth
Therefore, the life span of a larva may range from a few weeks to a few months. During the last molt, the caterpillar transforms into a pupa
Eggs are the first phase of insect development. The eggs must be preserved intact, so the butterflies lay them in the soil or fill the eggs with glandular secretions that harden in the air ā€” a capsule is formed, which is masked by the color of the surface
During this period, organs and tissues change and acquire features characteristic of adults, wings and muscles are formed
The coloration and body shape of butterfly pupae are no less varied than those of caterpillars. The duration of development can vary from a few weeks
Life as an
The adult butterfly (imago) quickly reaches sexual maturity and is ready to reproduce in a few days. Depending on how quickly the butterfly fulfills this basic purpose, it lives from a few days to a few weeks. The exception is the overwintering butterfly, which can live for more than 10 months
Therefore, the chances that the female will have time to hatch and be fertilized are very small. Nature created this mechanism for a reason: it is necessary to prevent close mating
Young butterflies, 1āˆ’3 days old from the moment they hatch from the pupa, are suitable for mating. The fact is that males hatch a few days earlier than females. With all that, the moths become sexually mature on the fourth day
The first butterflies found in amber are over a hundred million years old! However, there is an assumption that butterflies appeared much earlier ā€” about two hundred million years ago, and first, long before the dinosaurs, nocturnal
And theyā€™re nocturnal. They are especially active at twilight, early morning and late evening, for which they received the nickname "Prince of Darkness"
Some caterpillars kill other individuals to keep themselves alive. Take Feniseca tarquinius in North America: it lays eggs in aphid colonies, and the caterpillars grow by devouring the aphids and sometimes defending themselves with the corpses of their dead victims
find the secret note
For example, they can see ultraviolet. Many butterflies have ultraviolet among the main colors of their wings, but we never see it. Thatā€™s how unusual butterflies can be
The peacock-eyed Atlas can reach a size of 26 centimeters. The largest specimen, which was found and measured, lived on the Indonesian island of Java
Ultraviolet wings. Yes, the vision of butterflies is very inferior to that of humans: they are not able to distinguish the details that we can distinguish. But they can see in a different color spectrum
Quote from
the Butterfly Effect
Edward Lorenz called this phenomenon the "butterfly effect": a butterfly flapping its wings in Iowa can cause an avalanche of effects that can peak in the rainy season in Indonesia
Henri PoincarĆ© described Chaos Theory in a study to the three-body motion problem in 1890. He later suggested that such phenomena could be common, for example, in the field of meteorology. In a chaotic world, it is difficult to predict what variations will occur at a given time and place; errors and uncertainty increase over time
The butterfly
Butterflies in the belly is when everything inside turns over from the beauty of nature, a first kiss, or a ride on a roller coaster. Butterflies in the belly are the love that is born inside. Each of us has experienced this feeling at least once. Every one of us has admired butterflies at least onceā€¦
The butterflies in the stomach are an outflow of blood from the stomach. The hypothalamus communicates with the rest of the body, it transmits signals through autonomic nerves to the adrenal glands. These glands release the hormone adrenaline into the bloodstream, which causes the heart to beat and breathe faster, increasing blood pressure and blah blah blah
Butterflies in the
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